The Library will be well represented at the upcoming the Spotlight on Tertiary Teaching and Learning Colloquium with nine entries involving Information and Education services staff. The Colloquium is organised by the Education Development Centre, Otago Polytechnic and the Higher Education Development Centre, University of Otago and will run on 19th and 20th November at St. David Lecture Theatre Complex.
The Colloquium is designed to promote and share research and best practice in tertiary teaching and learning. It is an opportunity to celebrate teaching and to foster cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary connections amongst tertiary teachers in the Southern Region (Southland and Otago). With the support of Ako Aotearoa registration for University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic staff is free of charge.
The themes of the Colloquium include:
• Focus on the learners' experiences;
• The first year of tertiary study;
• Teaching for diversity;
• Designing curricula for engagement;
• Developing communities of practice;
• Learning in the work environment.
The Library entries include:
• Blogs and wikis in learning: sharing the experience
Facilitator: Ms. Judith Clark
Panelists: Mr. Anton Angelo.
Ms. Charlotte Brown,
Dr. Erika Pearson
Dr. Noel Waite,
The panel will share the varying experiences of the student, librarian, teacher and course administrator in utilizing Web 2.0 technologies to engage the student in their learning experience.
• Weaving their own basked of knowledge / Kate Thompson and Rosemary Kardos. A collaboration between (former) Health Sciences Reference Librarian and a First Year Programme Convenor in developing an induction activity to orientate new students.
• Embedding the Librarian in the student space. / Paul Barham and Richard German. The Hunter Centre Librarian project.
• Reflective blogs: mobilising the blogosphere for research community development / Neal Barber. Participation in the Digital Information Literacy project leading to opportunities for library communication and the development of online reflective journals in student assessment.
• Collaboration and curricular design to engage first year Physical Education students / Judy Fisher. A collaboration focusing on engaging and motivating first year students while embedding information literacy skills within curricular design and assessment.
• Integrating the Library in the student space / Thelma Fisher. A demonstration of ways in which the Library has used a presence in Blackboard to foster and enhance teaching and learning.
1 comment:
Feedback from Spotlight
"Involving the library staff in the design and support of the tutorials has been one of the best learning experiences I have had in the 11 years lecturing at Otago."
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