Second Life (SL) continues to offer many learning opportunities well beyond our real every day interactions and environments. Whether it involves the chance to experiment, explore or experience interactions beyond our suppressed personal limitations like any E learning SL value is added.
So, during the Lifelong Learning conference in Yeppoon, I was delighted to be standing next to Sheila Webber, aka Sheila Yoshikawa, a leader within SL on both Information Literacy and Integrated Learning. How could I not resist engaging! Her conference presentation on SL touched a chord with a few and left more listening for some meaning; I took advantage to communicate, learn, reaffirm and reframe.
The search for meaning with SL transcends many settings and experiences. This surprises me especially when this search comes for within our leading Library lights. So, it was timely to see EDUCAUSE Learning Initiatives have just released a common sense guide in the 7 things you should know about series.
It is certain that you don't have to enter SL to understand its potential.